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A dose of self-care: My prescription for Women's Health Week

I’m using this week to encourage all women, all genders actually, at nbn and beyond to think of their health and themselves right now.

I'm not sure if it was my inner voice telling me it was time to focus on my health, or if my role as a female leader at nbn and a sponsor of our gender diversity pillar for our employees prompted me to pay special attention, but whatever the cause, I decided to see what Women’s Health Week was all about.

What a fantastic portal of information in “bite sized pieces” for the busy time-poor working woman! (Okay I think that’s onto Day Two’s topic, I digress…)

All leaders need to set a good example both in the workplace and, I believe, in our personal lives. So I’m using this week to encourage all women, all genders actually, at nbn and beyond to think of their health and themselves right now.

Each day of Women’s Health Week has a special flavour, and today’s is Ticker Time. 

I had no idea that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women in Australia; in fact one in two women will be affected by heart disease.  Shame on me as my mum suffers from heart disease.

Post-it note #1 to myself:

  • check family history of heart disease (tick);
  • reinstate my ‘walking meetings’ with my direct reports;
  • start walking to work again, spring is here and it’s a great time to be outside;
  • resist the booze;
  • sign up for nbn’s heart checks for employees.

Post-it note #2 to myself:

  • Women’s symptoms of a heart attack include feeling breathless, dizzy or sick, or having pain, tightness or discomfort in their arm, back or jaw;
  • Spread the word to my colleagues that these are the signs to look out for.

It's in my nature to jump ahead, so I’ve looked through each day of Women’s Health Week and have combined my love of wellbeing with my love of books to feed the soul.

Here’s one a day from my 'to-read' list...I guess they will all have to be audio books for the walk to work!

Tuesday’s focus on taking time: Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Mark G Williams & Dr Danny Penman

Wednesday’s focus on loving your bones: Fat for Fuel - A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase your Energy  by Joseph Mercola. Try reading it in the sun - don't forget your sunscreen!

Thursday’s focus on time to move: The Oxygen Advantage: The Simple, Scientifically Proven Breathing Technique That Will Revolutionise your Health and Fitness by Patrick McKeown.

Friday’s focus on craving pillow time: The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time by Arianna Huffington.

And finally, my own tips on looking after yourself: 

  • Know your own body and what it takes for you to recharge personally, more importantly LISTEN to it!
  • Know your family history and what triggers to look out for.
  • Get outside and be active, life is for living!

Remember, this week is all about looking inwards at our health and wellbeing: Focus, get it checked-out, learn and thrive. 

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